The use of acupuncture can be traced back over 2000 years, making it one of the oldest forms of health care in the world. And with good reason.
Today, acupuncture is a highly sought-after modality for the treatment of disease as well as preventative medicine.
How does it work?
The model of Chinese Medicine is a radical departure from Western Medicine and western minds can have a hard time making sense of eastern concepts. Especially when your physician mentions channel pathways and energy flow as a means of diagnosis.
What the ancient Chinese understood is that life depends on this free flowing and abundant current of energy that governs our body and how it functions. This current is what gives life to any living thing.
Health depends on the quantity and the quality of that current.
MAKE AN APPOINTMENTSo, let’s think about that, the difference between an energy current that is weak, slow and stagnant compared to a current with perhaps too much voltage… or is perhaps unstable, weak or unsteady, or moving in the wrong direction. All these variances alter how we feel and how we function.
The quality of the energy current determines how well our organs function, how well we sleep, how we digest, how we perceive the world and everyone in it.
So over thousands of years the Chinese refined the art of acupuncture to heal, enhance and correct the current, returning us to a state of balance, optimisation and wholeness.
That current, this life force.. is called Qi.

When our body is healthy the Qi flows freely and abundantly, able to appropriately govern and manage the effective functioning of our body and our mind.
Factors such as emotional and mental stress, poor diet and lifestyle, all contribute to the quality and the flow of the Qi.
So, expect lifestyle advice when you have a consultation. You will hear the words ‘get off dairy’ and ‘stay away from cold raw foods’, coupled with questions about ‘daily exercise’ and ‘meditation’ and ‘sleep hygiene’.

An acupuncture treatment at The Whiteowl Clinic is safe, comfortable and usually takes around 1 hour.
The needles used are sterilised, single use and designed to make your acupuncture treatment a regenerative and relaxing experience.